
The Plymouth Student Scientist


Table of contents

These incredible research and development articles in this edition are from STEM students at the University of Plymouth, working on their final year research project over the period 2022 and 2023. A huge thank you to them, and their committed supervisors. I have enjoyed reading your submissions and working with you all. With kind regards, Dr Jason B. Truscott (Chief Editor).

Marine Sciences:

Laura M. Bevington, Impacts of hydrodynamic regimes on the resuspension of particulate matter within a seagrass restoration site: Jennycliff Bay, Plymouth Sound, UK , pp. 1-24.

Celie Mullen, The resilience of juvenile Acropora corals when exposed to artificial light at night, commonly associated with coastal urbanisation, pp. 25-48.

Mechanical, Marine and Materials Engineering:

George Modica-Cliff, Use of biomimicry model for the design of perforated composite plates, pp. 49-85.


Alice Marler, Medically unexplained symptoms and mental well-being: a comparative study between university students and members of the general population, pp. 86-108.
