South West Clinical School Journal
Delivering a Research Skilled Workforce Special Edition
Table of Contents
Carrie Biddle: Developing a Research Skilled Workforce Strategy.
Krithka Anil, Ralph Hammond, Rachel Knight Lozano and Susie Pearce: Capturing current research engagement across the South West region: a survey
#400words: Delivering a Research Skilled Workforce Special Edition
Hannah Luggar, Christopher Lovegrove, Louise Bingham and Rebecca Fox: Delegation and caseload management in Occupational Therapy: team perspectives from the acute wards at Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Northern Services
Mari-rose Kennedy, Carmel McGrath, Roy Kareem, Olivia Sweeney, Asia Yousif, Holly Ayers, Shoba Dawson, Aaruni Suresh, and Andy Gibson: Connecting with underserved communities in Bristol: insights from the Health Research Ambassador project
Nicola Dowdeswell: 'My Life’: How a co-produced lifestyle intervention can support individuals with severe mental illness to live well
Steven Blakeway: Primary care organisational culture and climate impact upon Paramedics
Suzanne Woodman: Reflective practitioner or unconsciously incompetent?
Ria Dark and James Rodger: Repeated referrals in community rehabilitation: prevalence and reasons
Sam Harding and Rebecca Coad: Supporting NMAHP research professional development: identification of barriers and facilitators to becoming a clinical academic
Anne Daykin, Angela Porter, Simon Fryer and Francine Toye: The attitudes and beliefs of midlife women towards physical activity: a meta-ethnography
Adrian Hayes and Alicia Long: The Pied Piper of Research: Increasing Clinical Research Capability for Mental Health Services in Somerset
Pollyanna Kellett, Bryony Dean Franklin, Susie Pearce and Jonathan Benn: What nurses do right! How resilient variation in medication administration practice creates and maintains safety: an ethnographic study in progress
Alice Jennings: 'You’re not a REAL doctor’: Exploring subjective wellbeing among clinical academics in the NIHR mentoring scheme
Developing a Research Skilled Workforce Strategy
Carrie Biddle
Capturing current research engagement across the South West region: a survey
Krithika Anil, Ralph Hammond, Rachel Knight Lozano, and Susie Pearce
Delegation and caseload management in Occupational Therapy: team perspectives from the acute wards at Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Northern Services
Hannah Luggar, Christopher Lovegrove, Louise Bingham, and Rebecca Fox
Connecting with underserved communities in Bristol: insights from the Health Research Ambassador project
Mari-Rose Kennedy, Carmel McGrath, Roy Kareem, Olivia Sweeney, Asia Yousif, Holly Ayres, Shoba Dawson, Aaruni Suresh, and Andy Gibson
‘My Life’: How a co-produced lifestyle intervention can support individuals with severe mental illness to live well
Nicola Dowdeswell
Reflective practitioner or unconsciously incompetent?
Suzanne Woodman
Repeated referrals in community rehabilitation: prevalence and reasons
Ria Dark and James Rodger
Supporting NMAHP research professional development: identification of barriers and facilitators to becoming a clinical academic
Sam Harding and Rebecca Coad
The attitudes and beliefs of midlife women towards physical activity: a meta-ethnography
Anne Daykin, Angela Porter, Simon Fryer, and Francine Toyer
The Pied Piper of Research: Increasing Clinical Research Capability for Mental Health Services in Somerset
Adrian Hayes and Alicia Long
What nurses do right! How resilient variation in medication administration practice creates and maintains safety: an ethnographic study in progress
Pollyanna Kellett, Bryony Dean Franklin, Susie Pearce, and Jonathan Benn