The Use of Acupuncture to Manage Dry Mouth Post-Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer Patients
- Yen Ming Lin: 0000-0003-2933-6600
At University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (UK), patients with xerostomiaafter head and neck radiotherapy for whom local measures have not beensuccessful are referred to the acupuncture clinic. This has been offered for thelast ten years and preliminary data has shown that it can provide symptomaticrelief to patients. This article documents a service evaluation of 45 patientswho attended the acupuncture clinic from August 2020 to August 2021.Treatment was carried out at three points in each ear as well as a point on thedistal radial aspect of each index finger. Each session lasted for 30 minutesand sessions were carried out weekly for four weeks. Patients filled out amodified 10-item Likert scale to measure their response at the initial and fourthvisit. Median improvement in dryness ratings was two points (of a range ofzero to five). A response occurred in 37 patients (82 per cent) and 28 patients(62 per cent) received an improvement of two points or greater on the LikertScale. No adverse reactions to treatment were documented. The authorstherefore conclude that acupuncture shows promise in the management ofxerostomia in patients.
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Journal of Chinese Medicine
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Recommended Citation
Lin, Y., & Forbes-Haley, C. (2024) 'The Use of Acupuncture to Manage Dry Mouth Post-Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer Patients', Journal of Chinese Medicine, (136), pp. 34-40. Retrieved from