This paper investigates how gamification can influence entrepreneurial intentions (EI) of a group of users of an online platform provided by a private company. A quantitative research strategy was used with a sample of 220 respondents. These respondents were tested before and after the gamification experience. Main findings support literature suggesting a clear effect of attitudes towards behaviour (ATT) and perceived behavioural control (PBC) on EI, in line with the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). Once the basic assumptions of TPB were confirmed, the authors tested the effects of gamification comparing before and after results. Main findings highlight an increase of these effects after the gamification experience, aligned with the self-determination theory. These findings suggests that gamification is able to influence entrepreneurial behaviours. This contributes to both companies and educators’ knowledge on training for EI with gamification and the use of online platforms to this effect. Recommendations are provided. This is the first study that investigates the impact of Gamification on entrepreneurial intentions and how Gamification can influence the different relationships between the antecedents of EI.
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Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
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Ruiz-Alba, J., Soares, A., Rodríguez-Molina, M., & Banoun, A. (2019) 'Gamification and Entrepreneurial Intentions', Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, . Emerald: Available at: 10.1108/JSBED-09-2018-0266