- S Belwal: 0000-0001-9971-7930
- R Belwal: 0000-0001-9971-7930
The paper aims to investigate the relationship between Work-family conflict (WFC) and Turnover intention (TI) with the mediating effect of Organizational commitment (OC) as the extant literature lacks research in the context of developing countries and diverse cultures. Using the premise of the COR Theory, the study additionally examines the moderated mediation effects of job satisfaction (JS), organizational support (OS), and family support (FS) in the connection between OC and TI. 412 Omani women employed in Oman’s private sector were included in the study using the multistage sample methodology. A combination of AMOS and Hayes process models was used for measurement and confirmatory purposes. OC moderated the relationship between WFC and TI significantly. Family interference with work (FIW) and TI revealed full OC mediation, whereas WIF and TI exhibited only partial OC mediation. No significant moderating effect of FS and OS was observed in the relationship between WFC and OC; whereas JS significantly moderated the relationship between OC and TI. The research brings new perspectives to the WFC research. The connection between WFC and TI has been examined in many studies; however, only a few have examined the mediation and moderating effects of related variables in greater depth. This study, by examining the overarching COR framework and its links with other established theories, brings additional discoveries, particularly in the context of the Middle East, by taking OC as a mediator and FS, OS, and JS as moderators. Theoretically, the research reveals the mediating role of OC in the relationship between WFC and TI. It indicates that WIF conflicts can directly affect TI whereas FIW-type of conflicts do not affect TI directly and can be controlled by increasing OC. Practically, the study extends that if OC is affected by WFC then an increase in JS may help organisations in reducing TI.
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Applied Research in Quality of Life
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Belwal, S., & Belwal, R. (2023) 'Work-Family Conflict and Women’s Turnover Intention: Mediating Effects of Organizational Commitment', Applied Research in Quality of Life, . Available at: 10.1007/s11482-023-10168-x