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Submissions from 2017


Does the implementation of a novel intensive care discharge risk score and nurse-led inpatient review tool improve outcome? A prospective cohort study in two intensive care units in the UK, J Fabes, W Seligman, C Barrett, S McKechnie, and J Griffiths


Making sense of propofol sedation for endoscopy, J. R. Sneyd


Reflections on assessment, diagnosis and formulation, Rudi Dallos


Systematic review of countermeasures to minimise physiological changes and risk of injury to the lumbopelvic area following long-term microgravity, Nick Caplan, Andrew Winnard, Mona Nasser, Dorothee Debuse, Maria Stokes, Simon Evetts, Mick Wilkinson, and Julie Hides


Teaching in Anaesthesia, Hiu Lam and J Robert Sneyd


Understanding barriers and outcomes of unspecified (non-directed altruistic) kidney donation from both professional’s and patient’s perspectives: research protocol for a national multicentre mixed-methods prospective cohort study, Nizam Mamode, Rebecca Gare, Petrut Gogalniceanu, Hannah Maple, Lisa Burnapp, Alexis Clarke, Lynsey Williams, Sam Norton, Joseph Chilcot, Paul Gibbs, Annie Mitchell, Paul McCrone, and Heather Draper


What are funders doing to minimise waste in research?, Mona Nasser, Mike Clarke, Iain Chalmers, Kjetil Gundro Brurberg, Hanna Nykvist, Hans Lund, and Paul Glasziou

Submissions from 2016


Decisions on risk and mental health hospital admissions by approved mental health professionals, K Stone


Decisions on risk and mental health hospital admissions by approved mental health professionals, K Stone


Approved mental health professionals researching their own profession, the benefits, pitfalls and limitations, K Stone


How Families Make Sense of Their Child’s Behaviour When on an Autism Assessment and Diagnosis Waiting List, Katie Denman, Cordet Smart, Rudi Dallos, and Paula Levett


Molecular mechanisms linking autonomic dysfunction and impaired cardiac contractility in critical illness, Gareth L. Ackland, John Whittle, Andrew Toner, Asif Machhada, Ana Gutierrez Del Arroyo, Alberto Sciuso, Nicholas Jenkins, Alex Dyson, Richard Struthers, J. Robert Sneyd, Gary Minto, Mervyn Singer, Ajay M. Shah, and Alexander V. Gourine


When and how to update systematic reviews: consensus and checklist, Paul Garner, Sally Hopewell, Jackie Chandler, Harriet MacLehose, Holger J. Schünemann, Elie A. Akl, Joseph Beyene, Stephanie Chang, Rachel Churchill, Karin Dearness, Gordon Guyatt, Carol Lefebvre, Beth Liles, Rachel Marshall, García L Martínez, Chris Mavergames, Mona Nasser, Amir Qaseem, Margaret Sampson, Karla Soares-Weiser, Yemisi Takwoingi, Lehana Thabane, Marialena Trivella, Peter Tugwell, Emma Welsh, and Ed C. Wilson


Decisions on risk and mental health hospital admissions by approved mental health professionals, K Stone


Identifying gaps for research prioritisation: Global burden of external causes of injury as reflected in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews., C Karimkhani, R Trikha, B Aksut, T Jones, LN Boyers, M Schlichte, H Pederson, T Okland, C DiGuiseppi, M Nasser, M Naghavi, T Vos, SL Yoong, L Wolfenden, CJ Murray, and RP Dellavalle


“I just like Lego!” Self-­‐Autism Mapping as a non-­‐totalising approach, Rebecca McKenzie and Rudi Dallos


Increasing value and reducing waste in biomedical research: who's listening?, David Moher, Paul Glasziou, Iain Chalmers, Mona Nasser, Patrick M.M. Bossuyt, Daniël A. Korevaar, Ian D. Graham, Philippe Ravaud, and Isabelle Boutron


Nitrous oxide in modern anaesthetic practice, J. R. Sneyd and S. M. Brown


Time to move the goalposts? Do we need new targets for developing i.v. anaesthetics?, J. R. Sneyd

Submissions from 2015


Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Rehabilitation Enablement in Chronic Heart Failure (REACH-HF) facilitated selfcare rehabilitation intervention in heart failure patients and caregivers: rationale and protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial., CJ Hayward, RS Taylor, and V Eyre


Playing the 'Blame Game': Accounting and the construction of disruptive behaviour in family interviews, G Blanchard, TC Auburn, and R Dallos


Safe sedation in modern cardiological practice, Stephen S. Furniss and J. Robert Sneyd


Decisions on risk and mental health hospital admissions by approved mental health professionals, K Stone


NAP5 and the isolated forearm technique, J. R. Sneyd


Phenotype overlap in glial cell populations: astroglia, oligodendroglia and NG-2(+) cells, Robert Fern and Badrah Alghamdi


Sedation practice in six acute hospitals - a snapshot survey, SWARM - South West Anaesthetic Research Matrix, William Rutherford, Robert Sneyd, Lauren Weekes, Megan Thomas, Sean Edwards, Rebecca Pugsley, Simon Marshall, James Bickley, Thomas Clark, Danielle Franklin, Alexandra Hughes, David Connor, Gary Mint, Jane Montgomery, Jonathan Paddle, Mark Rockett, Sandeep Kusre, Timothy Wilson, Thomas Teare, Matthew Boyd, Sarah Droog, Geoff Tavener, Juleen Gill, Nicholas Souter, Andrew Savva, Harriet Gardiner, Olivia Gokhale, Robert Debrunner, and Carmen Marginean


HCO3(-)-independent pH regulation in astrocytes in situ is dominated by V-ATPase., Robert Fern, Daniel Bloch Hansen, Nestor Garrido-Comas, and Mike Salter


The dichotomy of memantine treatment for ischemic stroke: dose-dependent protective and detrimental effects., Robert Fern, Melissa Trotman, Philipp Vermehren, and Claire L. Gibson


The NIAA Perioperative Clinical Trials Group: New horizons for UK perioperative medicine research, Mike Grocott, J Robert Sneyd, and Monty Mythen

Submissions from 2014


Cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and preoperative markers of inflammation, Gareth L. Ackland, Pervez Sultan, Mark R. Edwards, Ana Gutierrez Del Arroyo, David Cain, J. Robert Sneyd, Richard Struthers, and Gary Minto

Submissions from 2013


Patients' inability to perform a preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise test risk predicts inferior medium-term mortality after major colorectal surgery, R. A. Struthers, C. W. Lai, C. P. Challand, K. B. Hosie, J. R. Sneyd, and G. W. Minto


A “Candidate-Interactome” Aggregate Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Data in Multiple Sclerosis, Rosella Mechelli, Renato Umeton, Claudia Policano, Viviana Annibali, Giulia Coarelli, Vito A.G. Ricigliano, Danila Vittori, Arianna Fornasiero, Maria Chiara Buscarinu, Silvia Romano, Marco Salvetti, and Giovanni Ristori


Environmental Activism and its Influence on Sustainability Education (SE): Experiences at two British universities, R. Cutting, S. Honey, R. Cook, and L. Maxey


I. The Irish are coming, J. R. Sneyd and E. O'sullivan


Patients' inability to perform a preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise test or demonstrate an anaerobic threshold is associated with inferior outcomes after major colorectal surgery, R. A. Struthers, C. W. Lai, G. Minto, C. P. Challand, K. B. Hosie, J. R. Sneyd, and S. Creanor


Team-Based Learning: A Strategy to Enhance Student Learning and Engagement, Jenny Morris

Submissions from 2012


Novel etomidate derivatives, J. Robert Sneyd


Randomized controlled trial of intraoperative goal-directed fluid therapy in aerobically fit and unfit patients having major colorectal surgery, G. Minto, C. Challand, R. Struthers, J. R. Sneyd, P. D. Erasmus, N. Mellor, and K. B. Hosie


Remimazolam: New beginnings or just a me-too?, J. Robert Sneyd

Submissions from 2011


Does undergraduate curriculum design make a difference to readiness to practice as a junior doctor?, Alan Bleakley and Nicola Brennan

Submissions from 2010


A quantitative and qualitative evaluation of reports of clinical trials published in six Brazilian dental journals indexed in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO)., Souza RF de, CDAL Chaves, Mona Nasser, and Zbys Fedorowicz


Hand and ultrasonic instrumentation for orthograde root canal treatment of permanent teeth., Vinicius Pedrazzi, Oliveira-Neto JM de, Patrick Sequeira, Zbys Fedorowicz, and Mona Nasser

Submissions from 2007


Evaluating the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for individuals with visible differences: a systematic review of the empirical literature., Alyson Bessell and Timothy P. Moss


Electronic signatures for copyright in the UK: a solution to the "holy grail" of document delivery, G Titley

Submissions from 2006


The fading of reported effectiveness. A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials, BT Gehr, C Weiss, and F Porzsolt