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dc.contributor.authorHeffernan, T
dc.contributor.authorMorrison, D
dc.contributor.authorCotton, D
dc.contributor.authorMagne, P
dc.contributor.authorPayne, S

Aims of project: To expand the existing understanding of internationalisation of learning and teaching in HE for home-based students across several disciplines/faculties, and provide evidence of impact for interventions to enhance the same at PU. Background/context to project: International awareness and competence is an employability trait expected/desired of graduates are in most fields (Jones and Killick 2013). Previous studies of internationalisation of the curriculum have focused heavily on international students, home students abroad and transnational partnerships. There is an identified need to address home students, as many as 80% of whom have limited direct contact with internationalisation (Jones 2013; Jones and Killick 2013; HEPI 2015). Current research on this issue is sparse, and the extant literature does not address student views, effects of teaching changes on these or the situation across a range of disciplines.

dc.publisherUniversity of Plymouthen
dc.subjectInternationalisation of the Curriculum; Internationalisation at Home; Home Studentsen_US
dc.titleInternationalisation of Learning and Teachingen_US

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