
This submission comprises the main bulk of the critical and textual work I have researched and developed over the last five years. Throughout this period, I have been particularly interested in exploring issues of interdisciplinarity for writers and text-practitioners, at both a critical and a methodological level. An interest in cross-media and site-related approaches to writing plays an important role in this. This is reflected in the thematics of the various critical texts, as well as in the fairly broad range of textual modes submitted. As a whole, this work can be seen in close continuity with my pedagogical involvement in developing, from its inception, the course of Performance Writing at Dartington College of Arts. Research support and leave regularly granted by Dartington has been a major factor in ensuring the continuity of my own work throughout this period. Some of the findings and investigations undertaken during my research have in turn also been instrumental in assisting the continued development of our curriculum. All of the critical texts presented here have come from invitations by other specialist institutions, both in England and abroad, to contribute to conferences and/or journals. Many have responded positively to my joint artistic and pedagogical takes and have sometimes also wished me to actively demonstrate these. This is reflected in the discussions and allusions to Performance Writing present in a number of these published texts. Commissions from festivals, galleries, magazines, small publishing presses have encouraged and ensured the public exposure of my textwork in its many forms. Because textual placing and typographical games are important to the arguments of my work, some of these pieces can only be submitted in original format or by providing reference to their active location or as visual documentation. The entire second part of my submission (as well as the second appendix) falls into this category. It represents an indissociable aspect of my submission.

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