Browse research from the School of Biological and Marine Sciences.


Submissions from 2017


Evaluation of salt marsh restoration by means of self-regulating tidal gate – Avon estuary, South Devon, UK, Gerd Masselink, Mick E. Hanley, Anissa C. Halwyn, Will Blake, Ken Kingston, Thomas Newton, and Mike Williams


From microscope to management: The critical value of plankton taxonomy to marine policy and biodiversity conservation, Abigail McQuatters-Gollop, David G. Johns, Eileen Bresnan, Jennifer Skinner, Isabelle Rombouts, Rowena Stern, Anaïs Aubert, Marie Johansen, Jacob Bedford, and Antony Knights


Galaxy rotations from quantised inertia and visible matter only, ME McCulloch


Pleistocene range shifts, refugia and the origin of widespread species in Western Palaearctic water beetles., David García-Vázquez, David T. Bilton, Garth N. Foster, and I. Ribera


Proposal to designate Methylothermus subterraneus Hirayama et al. 2011 as the type species of the genus Methylothermus. Request for an Opinion., Rich Boden and Aharon Oren


Mesoscale and Submesoscale Effects on Mixed Layer Depth in the Southern Ocean, S. D. Bachman, J. R. Taylor, K. A. Adams, and P. J. Hosegood


Effects of ocean acidification on the shells of four Mediterranean gastropod species near a CO 2 seep, Ashley Duquette, James B. McClintock, Charles D. Amsler, Alberto Pérez-Huerta, Marco Milazzo, and Jason M. Hall-Spencer


The Effect of Exogenous Applications of Salicylic Acid and Molybdenum on the Tolerance of Drought in Wheat, N/A Kareem, F, H Rihan, and M Fuller


High-resolution IKONOS satellite imagery for normalized difference vegetative index-related assessment applied to land clearance studies, CR Lavers and T Mason


Overwintering individuals of the Arctic krill Thysanoessa inermis appear tolerant to short-term exposure to low pH conditions, Theresa A. Venello, Piero Calosi, Lucy M. Turner, and Helen S. Findlay


Species specific anaesthetics for fish anaesthesia and euthanasia, GD Readman, SF Owen, TG Knowles, and JC Murrell


Animal behaviour: a very short introduction, M Briffa


Characteristics of ex-racing greyhounds in New Zealand and their impact on re-homing, JB Thomas, NJ Adams, and MJ Farnworth


Does capture method or the presence of aquatic protected areas influence the selective harvest of behavioural types in largemouth bass?, ELL Cooke, Alexander D.M. Wilson, Chris K. Elvidge, and SJ Cooke


Global patterns of interaction specialization in bird-flower networks, TB Zanata, B Dalsgaard, FC Passos, PA Cotton, JJ Roper, PK Maruyama, E Fischer, M Schleuning, González AM Martín, J Vizentin-Bugoni, DC Franklin, S Abrahamczyk, R Alárcon, AC Araujo, FP Araújo, SMD Azevedo-Junior, AC Baquero, K Böhning-Gaese, DW Carstensen, H Chupil, AG Coelho, RR Faria, D Hořák, TT Ingversen, Š Janeček, G Kohler, C Lara, FMG Las-Casas, AV Lopes, AO Machado, CG Machado, IC Machado, MA Maglianesi, TS Malucelli, J Mohd-Azlan, AC Moura, GM Oliveira, PE Oliveira, JF Ornelas, J Riegert, LC Rodrigues, L Rosero-Lasprilla, AM Rui, M Sazima, B Schmid, O Sedláček, A Timmermann, MGR Vollstädt, Z Wang, S Watts, C Rahbek, and IG Varassin


Metagenomic analysis of the complex microbial consortium associated with cultures of the oil‐rich alga Botryococcus braunii, Christine Sambles, Karen Moore, Thomas M. Lux, Katy Jones, George R. Littlejohn, João D. Gouveia, Stephen J. Aves, David J. Studholme, Rob Lee, and John Love


V. Gerovasileiou et al.: New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (July, 2017), A ARTICLE and C


Eco-engineering urban infrastructure for marine and coastal biodiversity: which interventions have the greatest ecological benefit?, EMA Strain, C Olabarria, M Mayer-Pinto, V Cumbo, and et al


Photoprotective responses in a brown macroalgae Cystoseira tamariscifolia to increases in CO2 and temperature., Paula S.M. Celis-Plá, Brezo Martínez, Nathalie Korbee, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, and Félix L. Figueroa


Dietary lipid content reorganizes gut microbiota and probiotic L. rhamnosus attenuates obesity and enhances catabolic hormonal milieu in zebrafish, Silvia Falcinelli, Ana Rodiles, Azadeh Hatef, Simona Picchietti, Lina Cossignani, Daniel L. Merrifield, Suraj Unniappan, and Oliana Carnevali


Physiological responses to ocean acidification and warming synergistically reduce condition of the common cockle Cerastoderma edule, E. Z. Ong, M. Briffa, T. Moens, and Colen C Van


An analysis of the development of cauliflower seed as a model to improve the molecular mechanism of abiotic stress tolerance in cauliflower artificial seeds, Hail Z. Rihan, Mohammed Al-Issawi, and Michael P. Fuller


Identifying the consequences of ocean sprawl for sedimentary habitats, Eliza C. Heery, Melanie J. Bishop, Lincoln P. Critchley, Ana B. Bugnot, Laura Airoldi, Mariana Mayer-Pinto, Emma V. Sheehan, Ross A. Coleman, Lynette H.L. Loke, Emma L. Johnston, Valeriya Komyakova, Rebecca L. Morris, Elisabeth M.A. Strain, Larissa A. Naylor, and Katherine A. Dafforn


Microplastic ingestion in fish larvae in the western English Channel, Madeleine Steer, Matthew Cole, Richard C. Thompson, and Penelope K. Lindeque


Tracking reveals limited interactions between Campbell Albatross and fisheries during the breeding season, LA Sztukowski, Toor ML van, H Weimerskirch, DR Thompson, LG Torres, PM Sagar, PA Cotton, and SC Votier


Turning off the DRIP (‘Data-rich, information-poor’) – rationalising monitoring with a focus on marine renewable energy developments and the benthos, Thomas A. Wilding, Andrew B. Gill, Arjen Boon, Emma Sheehan, Jean Claude Dauvin, Jean Philippe Pezy, F O’Beirn, Urszula Janas, Liis Rostin, and Mesel I De


Assessing the impact of Benzo[a]pyrene on Marine Mussels: Application of a novel targeted low density microarray complementing classical biomarker responses, Mohamed Banni, Susanna Sforzini, Volker M. Arlt, Audrey Barranger, Lorna J. Dallas, Caterina Oliveri, Yann Aminot, Beniamina Pacchioni, Caterina Millino, Gerolamo Lanfranchi, James W. Readman, Michael N. Moore, Aldo Viarengo, and Awadhesh N. Jha


Towards ‘ecological coherence’: Assessing larval dispersal within a network of existing Marine Protected Areas, Rebecca E. Ross, Smith WAM Nimmo, and Kerry L. Howell


Defining the qualitative elements of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 with regard to the marine and coastal environment in order to strengthen global efforts for marine biodiversity conservation outlined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14, Siân E. Rees, Nicola L. Foster, Olivia Langmead, Simon Pittman, and David E. Johnson


Report on the Marine Imaging Workshop 2017, T Schoening, J Durden, I Preuss, A Branzan Albu, and et al


Interannual variability in lower trophic levels on the Alaskan Shelf, Abigail McQuatters-Gollop, Sonia D. Batten, Dionysios E. Raitsos, Seth Danielson, Russell Hopcroft, and Kenneth Coyle


Motor pattern during fights in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus: evidence for the role of skill in animal contests, Mark Briffa and Katlyn J. Fortescue


Systematic analysis of rocky shore platform morphology at large spatial scale using LiDAR-derived digital elevation models, Hironori Matsumoto, Mark E. Dickson, and Gerd Masselink


The Ocean's Vital Skin: Toward an Integrated Understanding of the Sea Surface Microlayer, Anja Engel, Hermann W. Bange, Michael Cunliffe, Susannah M. Burrows, Gernot Friedrichs, Luisa Galgani, Hartmut Herrmann, Norbert Hertkorn, Martin Johnson, Peter S. Liss, Patricia K. Quinn, Markus Schartau, Alexander Soloviev, Christian Stolle, Robert C. Upstill-Goddard, Pinxteren M van, and Birthe Zäncker


How does environment influence fighting? The effects of tidal flow on resource value and fighting costs in sea anemones, Alexandre V. Palaoro, Mariana Velasque, Sandro Santos, and Mark Briffa

Water beetles from the Bokkeveld Plateau: a semi-arid hotspot of freshwater biodiversity in the Northern Cape of South Africa, David T. Bilton


An adaptive grid to improve the efficiency and accuracy of shipping noise modelling, F Chen, LE Trigg, GI Shapiro, SN Ingram, and CB Embling


Root hydrotropism is controlled via a cortex-specific growth mechanism, JA Roberts

Social environment during egg laying: Changes in plasma hormones with no consequences for yolk hormones or fecundity in female Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica, Esther M.A. Langen, Nikolaus von Engelhardt, and Vivian C. Goerlich-Jansson


Abandoning animal personality would cause obfuscation: a comment on Beekman and Jordan, Mark Briffa


Estimating the ecological, economic and social impacts of ocean acidification and warming on UK fisheries, Jose A. Fernandes, Eleni Papathanasopoulou, Caroline Hattam, Ana M. Queirós, William W.W.L. Cheung, Andrew Yool, Yuri Artioli, Edward C. Pope, Kevin J. Flynn, Gorka Merino, Piero Calosi, Nicola Beaumont, Melanie C. Austen, Stephen Widdicombe, and Manuel Barange


Purchasing popular purebreds: investigating the influence of breed-type on the pre-purchase motivations and behaviour of dog owners, RMA Packer, D Murphy, and MJ Farnworth


Reclassification of Thiobacillus aquaesulis (Wood & Kelly, 1995) as Annwoodia aquaesulis gen. nov., comb. nov., transfer of Thiobacillus (Beijerinck, 1904) from the Hydrogenophilales to the Nitrosomonadales, proposal of Hydrogenophilalia class. nov. within the ‘Proteobacteria’, and four new families within the orders Nitrosomonadales and Rhodocyclales, Rich Boden, Lee P. Hutt, and Alex W. Rae


Strandings of NE Atlantic gorgonians, E. V. Sheehan, A. Rees, D. Bridger, T. Williams, and J. M. Hall-Spencer


Testing quantised inertia on emdrives with dielectrics, ME McCulloch


Tidally induced residual current over the Malin Sea continental slope, Nataliya Stashchuk, Vasiliy Vlasenko, Phil Hosegood, and smith W nimmo


An evaluation of Thiomicrospira, Hydrogenovibrio and Thioalkalimicrobium: reclassification of 4 species of Thiomicrospira to each Thiomicrorhabdus gen. nov. and Hydrogenovibrio, and reclassification of all 4 species of Thioalkalimicrobium to Thiomicrospira., R Boden, KM Scott, J Williams, S Russel, K Antonen, AW Rae, and LP Hutt


Frontal circulation and submesoscale variability during the formation of a Southern Ocean mesoscale eddy, Katherine A. Adams, Philip Hosegood, John R. Taylor, JB Sallee, Scott Bachman, Ricardo Torres, and Megan Stamper


Tropidechis carinatus (Rough-scaled Snake) and Pseudechis poryphryriacus (Red-bellied Black Snake). Predation/ Diet, R Puschendorf, N/A Voyles, and J


How accurately are we describing the longline bycatch? The case of the ‘rare’ shark Alopias superciliosus in eastern Mediterranean, P Kleitou, C Antoniou, I Giovos, and D Kletou


Inorganic carbon physiology underpins macroalgal responses to elevated CO2, Jason M. Hall-Spencer


Observations of nearshore infragravity wave dynamics under high energy swell and wind-wave conditions, Mark Davidson, Gerd Masselink, Paul Russell, and Kris Inch

A revision of the South African riffle beetle genus Leielmis Delève, 1964 (Coleoptera: Elmidae), David T. Bilton


Blueprints of Effective Biodiversity and Conservation Knowledge Products That Support Marine Policy, LV Weatherdon, W Appeltans, N Bowles-Newark, TM Brooks, and et al


Application of multiple linear regression and Bayesian belief network approaches to model life risk to beach users in the UK, Christopher Stokes, Gerhard Masselink, Matthew Revie, Timothy Scott, David Purves, and Thomas Walters


Assessing larval connectivity for marine spatial planning in the Adriatic, L. Bray, D. Kassis, and J. M. Hall-Spencer


Calibration and response of an agarose gel based passive sampler to record short pulses of aquatic organic pollutants, Angel Belles, Claire Alary, Yann Aminot, James W. Readman, and Christine Franke


Cascading of high salinity bottom waters from the Arabian/Persian Gulf to the northern Arabian Sea, GI Shapiro, F Wobus, V Solovyev, X Francis, P Hyder, F Chen, and M Asif


Coastal bacterioplankton community response to diatom-derived polysaccharide microgels, Joe D. Taylor and Michael Cunliffe


Do intracoelomic telemetry transmitters alter the post‐release behaviour of migratory fish?, Alexander D.M. Wilson, Todd A. Hayden, Christopher S. Vandergoot, Richard T. Kraus, John M. Dettmers, Steven J. Cooke, and Charles C. Krueger


Exchanges between the shelf and the deep Black Sea: an integrated analysis of physical mechanisms, GI Shapiro, F Wobus, A Zatsepin, T Akivis, and F Zhou


Metabolic and reproductive plasticity of core and marginal populations of the eurythermic saline water bug Sigara selecta (Hemiptera: Corixidae) in a climate change context, J. A. Carbonell, D. T. Bilton, P. Calosi, A. Millán, A. Stewart, and J. Velasco


Nested high resolution models for the coastal areas of the North Indian Ocean, F Wobus and G Shapiro


On the hindered settling of sand-mud suspensions, J Spearman and AJ Manning


The price of attack: Rethinking damage costs in animal contests, Sarah M. Lane and Mark Briffa


Advances in physiological and molecular aspects of plant cold tolerance, Hail Z. Rihan, Mohammed Al-Issawi, and Michael P. Fuller


Transporting ideas between marine and social sciences: experiences from interdisciplinary research programs., Lucy M. Turner, Ramachandra Bhatta, Louise Eriander, Lena Gipperth, Kerstin Johannesson, Alin Kadfak, I Karunasagar, I Karunasagar, Per Knutsson, Kristjan Laas, Per Olav Moksnes, and Anna Godhe


A downslope propagating thermal front over the continental slope, Haren H. van and Phil J. Hosegood


Characterisation of microsatellites for Litoria nannotis (Amphibia : Hylidae), an endangered waterfall frog endemic to the Australian Wet Tropics, R Puschendorf, EV Todd, and MG Gardner


A global map of saltmarshes, C Mcowen, L Weatherdon, J-W Bochove, E Sullivan, and et al


Near-surface distribution of pollutants in coastal waters as assessed by novel polyethylene passive samplers, Yann Aminot, Angel Belles, Claire Alary, and James W. Readman


Ecophysiological responses to elevated CO2 and temperature in Cystoseira tamariscifolia (Phaeophyceae), Paula S.M. Celis-Plá, Brezo Martínez, Nathalie Korbee, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, and Félix L. Figueroa




Assessment of microplastic-sorbed contaminant bioavailability through analysis of biomarker gene expression in larval zebrafish, Victoria A. Sleight, Adil Bakir, Richard C. Thompson, and Theodore B. Henry


Frequent discordance between morphology and mitochondrial DNA in a species group of European water beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)., David T. Bilton, Lucy Turner, and Garth N. Foster


An Annotated Draft Genome for Radix auricularia (Gastropoda, Mollusca), T Schell, B Feldmeyer, H Schmidt, B Greshake, O Tills, M Truebano, SD Rundle, J Paule, I Ebersberger, and M Pfenninger


Editorial: Why microbiologists are not barophiles, Rich Boden


The genomic basis of eco-evolutionary dynamics, Alejandra Rodríguez-Verdugo, James Buckley, and Jessica Stapley


Factors affecting the prevalence of the trematode parasite Echinostephilla patellae (Lebour, 1911) in the limpet Patella vulgata (L.), Louise B. Firth, Lisa M. Grant, Tasman P. Crowe, Jonathan S. Ellis, Christena Wiler, Christopher Convery, and Nessa E. O'Connor


Microplastic abundance, distribution and composition along a latitudinal gradient in the Atlantic Ocean, La Daana K. Kanhai, Rick Officer, Olga Lyashevska, Richard C. Thompson, and Ian O'Connor


Diversity and distribution of polyphagan water beetles (Coleoptera) in the Lake St Lucia system, South Africa, Matthew S. Bird, David T. Bilton, and Renzo Perissinotto


Assessing the ecological coherence of a marine protected area network in the Celtic Seas, Nicola L. Foster, Sian Rees, Olivia Langmead, Charly Griffiths, Jenny Oates, and Martin J. Attrill


Ten years of Brazilian ballast water management, Maria Cecilia Trindade Castro, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Cecília Fonseca Poggian, and Timothy W. Fileman


A new climate index controlling winter wave activity along the Atlantic coast of Europe: The West Europe Pressure Anomaly, Bruno Castelle, Guillaume Dodet, Gerd Masselink, and Tim Scott


Does sex really matter? Explaining intraspecies variation in ocean acidification responses, Robert P. Ellis, William Davison, Ana M. Queirós, Kristy J. Kroeker, Piero Calosi, Sam Dupont, John I. Spicer, Rod W. Wilson, Steve Widdicombe, and Mauricio A. Urbina


How do anthropogenic contaminants (ACs) affect behaviour? Multi-level analysis of the effects of copper on boldness in hermit crabs, Stephen J. White and Mark Briffa


Storm overwash of a gravel barrier: Field measurements and XBeach-G modelling, Luis Pedro Almeida, Gerd Masselink, Robert McCall, and Paul Russell


The city as a refuge for insect pollinators, Damon M. Hall, Gerardo R. Camilo, Rebecca K. Tonietto, Jeff Ollerton, Karin Ahrné, Mike Arduser, John S. Ascher, Katherine C.R. Baldock, Robert Fowler, Gordon Frankie, Dave Goulson, Bengt Gunnarsson, Mick E. Hanley, Janet I. Jackson, Gail Langellotto, David Lowenstein, Emily S. Minor, Stacy M. Philpott, Simon G. Potts, Muzafar H. Sirohi, Edward M. Spevak, Graham N. Stone, and Caragh G. Threlfall


The effects of warming on the ecophysiology of two co-existing kelp species with contrasting distributions, MS Hargrave, A Foggo, A Pessarrodona, and DA Smale


Ecological Role of Submarine Canyons and Need for Canyon Conservation: A Review, Ulla Fernandez-Arcaya, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Jacopo Aguzzi, A. Louise Allcock, Jaime S. Davies, Awantha Dissanayake, Peter Harris, Kerry Howell, Veerle A.I. Huvenne, Miles Macmillan-Lawler, Jacobo Martín, Lenaick Menot, Martha Nizinski, Pere Puig, Ashley A. Rowden, Florence Sanchez, and den Beld IMJ Van


Obtaining accurate glucose measurements from wild animals under field conditions: comparing a hand held glucometer with a standard laboratory technique in grey seals, Kimberley A. Bennett, Lucy M. Turner, Sebastian Millward, Simon E.W. Moss, and Ailsa J. Hall

Effects of the social environment during adolescence on the development of social behaviour, hormones and morphology in male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), Stefanie Bölting and N von Engelhardt


Infestation of shore crab gills by a free-living mussel species, Rowan Poulter, P. Graham Oliver, Chris Hauton, Trystan Sanders, and Benjamin J. Ciotti


Invasive species in the Northeastern and Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: A review, Maria Cecilia Castro, Timothy W. Fileman, and Jason M. Hall-Spencer


Does repeatable behaviour in the laboratory represent behaviour under natural conditions? A formal comparison in sea anemones, Andrew Osborn and Mark Briffa


Shipping noise in a dynamic sea: a case study of grey seals in the Celtic Sea, F. Chen, G. I. Shapiro, K. A. Bennett, S. N. Ingram, D. Thompson, C. Vincent, D. J.F. Russell, and C. B. Embling


Divergent demographic strategies of plants in variable environments, Jenni L. McDonald, Miguel Franco, Stuart Townley, Thomas H.G. Ezard, Kim Jelbert, and Dave J. Hodgson


Two independent S-phase checkpoints regulate appressorium-mediated plant infection by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, M Osés-Ruiz, W Sakulkoo, GR Littlejohn, M Martin-Urdiroz, and NJ Talbot


Regional adaptation defines sensitivity to future ocean acidification, Piero Calosi, Sedercor Melatunan, Lucy M. Turner, Yuri Artioli, Robert L. Davidson, Jonathan J. Byrne, Mark R. Viant, Stephen Widdicombe, and Simon D. Rundle


The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project, Lawrence N. Hudson, Tim Newbold, Sara Contu, Samantha L.L. Hill, Igor Lysenko, Palma A De, Helen R.P. Phillips, Tamera I. Alhusseini, Felicity E. Bedford, Dominic J. Bennett, Hollie Booth, Victoria J. Burton, Charlotte W.T. Chng, Argyrios Choimes, David L.P. Correia, Julie Day, Susy Echeverría-Londoño, Susan R. Emerson, Di Gao, Morgan Garon, Michelle L.K. Harrison, Daniel J. Ingram, M Jung, Victoria Kemp, Lucinda Kirkpatrick, Callum D. Martin, Yuan Pan, Gwilym D. Pask-Hale, Edwin L. Pynegar, and AN Robinson