The Plymouth Student Scientist
Biological and Marine Sciences Articles
Heat and mass transfer during the sump development in a potash solution mine
Olivia Ellard
pp.41 - 65
Human impacts on Nitrogen and Phosphorus concentrations in the North Sea
Craig Weatherhead
pp.66 - 100
Biomedical and Healthcare Sciences Articles
Alpha-synuclein induced mitochondrial aberrations in a genetic cell culture model of Parkinson's disease
Jennifer Pinnell
pp.4 - 19
pp.20 - 40
Engineering, Computing and Mathematics Article
Large Numbers in Computing and Mathematics
Hazel Atkins, Rebecca Coates, Sophie Hilditch, and Lucy Smith
pp.114 - 122
Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Article
Psychology Article
An investigation into the relationship between hypnotic suggestibility and tendency to engage in ideomotor action
Ciaran Cussen
pp.101 - 113
Literature Reviews
Special Interest Article
Assessing the extent of establishment of Undaria pinnatifida in Plymouth Sound Special Area of Conservation, UK
Sabrina Heiser, Jason Hall-Spencer, and Keith Hiscock
pp.194 - 198