This paper provides an update on the current status of work that has been done to validate the CJP model of crack tip stresses and also summarises some findings from linked work that has used DIC to determine the range of plastic crack tip opening displacement as a correlator of fatigue crack growth rate. The paper considers several ways of calculating an effective range of stress intensity factor that have been proposed in various papers, as the preferred option is not yet fully clear. It further highlights the potential value, in terms of elucidating the mechanisms involved in plasticity-induced crack tip shielding, arising from data obtained from using two different DIC techniques on the same specimens.
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Procedia Structural Integrity
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James, M., Vasco-Olmo, J., Díaz, F., Antunes, F., Bing, Y., & Huang, Y. (2019) 'Characterisation of fatigue crack growth using the CJP model of crack tip fields or plastic CTOD', Procedia Structural Integrity, 23, pp. 613-619. Available at: 10.1016/j.prostr.2020.01.154