- Pablo Borja: 0000-0001-7744-0846
The compliant nature of soft robots is appealing to a wide range of applications. However, this compliant property also poses several control challenges, e.g., how to deal with infinite degrees of freedom and highly nonlinear behaviors. This paper proposes a hybrid controller for a pneumatic-actuated soft robot. To this end, a model-based feedforward controller is designed and combined with a correction torque calculated via Gaussian process regression. Then, the proposed model-based and hybrid controllers are experimentally validated, and a detailed comparison between controllers is presented. Notably, the experimental results highlight the potential benefits of adding a learning approach to a model-based controller to enhance the closed-loop performance while reducing the computational load exhibited by purely learning strategies.
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Human-Friendly Robotics 2023 - HFR: 16th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics
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Borja, P., Piazza, C., Capsi-Morales, P., Figueredo, L., Keppler, M., Schütze, H., Tavio y Cabrera, E., & Santina, C. (2024) 'A Hybrid Control Approach for a Pneumatic-Actuated Soft Robot', Human-Friendly Robotics 2023 - HFR: 16th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics, , pp. 19-35. Available at: 10.1007/978-3-031-55000-3_2