- Vincent Drach: 0000-0001-8948-0220
- Antonio Rago: 0000-0003-1192-5538
Composite Higgs models are a class of models proposed to address the hierarchy and naturalness problems associated with the Standard Model fundamental scalar Higgs. $SU(2)$ with two fundamental flavours is a minimal model for the composite Higgs sector which is not yet ruled out by experimental data. We present lattice results for $SU(2)$ with two fundamental mass degenerate flavours. For the fermion action we use the new exponential clover Wilson fermion action, which offers $O(a)$ improvement. We discuss tuning the $c_{\mathrm{SW}}$ parameter through Schr\"{o}dinger functional simulations, the scale setting of the ensembles using the Wilson gauge flow, and the low energy spectroscopy of the theory including the masses of the pseudoscalar isotriplet Goldstone bosons and the vector isotriplet.
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Bowes, L., Drach, V., Fritzsch, P., Rago, A., & Romero-Lopez, F. (2023) '2-flavour $SU(2)$ gauge theory with exponential clover Wilson fermions', Available at: 10.48550/arxiv.2401.00589