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Physiological Reports
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Peninsula Medical School
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Cobb, A. B., Levett, D., Mitchell, K., Aveling, W., Hurlbut, D., Gilbert‐Kawai, E., Hennis, P., Mythen, M., Grocott, M., Martin, D., Ahuja, V., Aref‐Adib, G., Burnham, R., Chisholm, A., Clarke, K., Coates, D., Coates, M., Cook, D., Cox, M., Dhillon, S., Dougall, C., Doyle, P., Duncan, P., Edsell, M., Edwards, L., Evans, L., Gardiner, P., Grocott, M., Gunning, P., Hart, N., Harrington, J., Harvey, J., Holloway, C., Howard, D., Hurlbut, D., Imray, C., Ince, C., van, d., Khosravi, M., Kolfschoten, N., Levett, D., Luery, H., Luks, A., Martin, D., McMorrow, R., Meale, P., Mitchell, K., Montgomery, H., Morgan, G., Morgan, J., Murray, A., Mythen, M., Newman, S., O’Dwyer, V., Pate, J., Plant, T., Pun, V., Richards, P., Richardson, A., Rodway, G., Simpson, J., Stroud, C., Stroud, M., Stygal, J., Symons, B., Szawarski, P., Van, T., Van, T., Vercueil, A., Wandrag, L., Wilson, M., Windsor, J., Basnyat, B., Clarke, K., Hornbein, T., Milledge, J., West, J., Abraham, S., Adams, T., Anseeuw, W., Astin, R., Basnyat, B., Burdall, O., Carroll, J., Cobb, A., Coppel, J., Couppis, O., Court, J., Cumpstey, A., Davies, T., Dhillon, S., Diamond, N., Dougall, C., Geliot, T., Gilbert‐Kawai, E., Gilbert‐Kawai, G., Gnaiger, E., Grocott, M., Haldane, C., Hennis, P., Horscroft, J., Howard, D., Jack, S., Jarvis, B., Jenner, W., Jones, G., van der Kaaij, J., Kenth, J., Kotwica, A., Kumar BC, R., Lacey, J., Laner, V., Levett, D., Martin, D., Meale, P., Mitchell, K., Mahomed, Z., Moonie, J., Murray, A., Mythen, M., Mythen, P., O’Brien, K., Ruggles‐Brice, I., Salmon, K., Sheperdigian, A., Smedley, T., Symons, B., Tomlinson, C., Vercueil, A., Wandrag, L., Ward, S., Wight, A., Wilkinson, C., Wythe, S., Feelisch, M., Gilbert‐Kawai, E., Grocott, M., Hanson, M., Levett, D., Martin, D., Mitchell, K., Montgomery, H., Moon, R., Murray, A., Mythen, M., & Peters, M. (2021) 'Physiological responses during ascent to high altitude and the incidence of acute mountain sickness', Physiological Reports, 9(7). Available at: 10.14814/phy2.14809