Caring to care: Nurturing ICU healthcare professionals' wellbeing for enhanced patient safety



Healthcare professionals working in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) care for patients suffering from a critical illness and their relatives. Working within a team of people with different personalities, competencies, and specialties, with constraints and demands might contribute to a working environment that is prone to conflicts and disagreements. This highlights that the ICU is a stressful place that can threaten healthcare professionals' wellbeing. This article aims to address the concept of wellbeing by describing how the stressful ICU work-environment threatens the wellbeing of health professionals and discussing how this situation jeopardizes patient safety. To promote wellbeing, it is imperative to explore actionable interventions such as improve communication skills, educational sessions on stress management, or mindfulness. Promoting ICU healthcare professionals' wellbeing through evidence-based strategies will not only increase their personal resilience but might contribute to a safer and more efficient patient care.

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Medicina intensiva



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This item is under embargo until 08 April 2025

10.1016/j.medine.2024.03.008" data-hide-no-mentions="true">
