
The nature of the relationship between teaching and research is of crucial importance and it continues to be a source of controversy and concern in current literature. Interestingly, associated risks of the relationship have been largely overlooked by researchers. This project contributes a novel, epistemological approach to investigate Research-informed Teaching (RiT) by adopting the philosophy of risk management. This approach allows an exploration of both real and perceived risks of RiT from students’ and tutors’ perspectives, reflecting the analytical process of risk identification, assessment and management.1. What are the risks of incorporating Research-informed Teaching into distinct disciplines? Previous HEA-funded research at Plymouth University suggests that risks exist when using research-informed teaching within the discipline of sustainable building. Are these risks discipline-specific or generic? Outcomes include a risk profile of research-informed teaching and associated characteristics. 2. Why and how do these risks emerge? Outcomes establish interactions of risk factors and map risk emergence and associated impact. 3. Are these risks manageable? Outcomes identify potential solutions to risk management in research-informed teaching.



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Research-informed teaching, risk in higher education, risk management, pedagogic research, student engagement
