Conducting research online using surveys: an exploratory survey of mental health social work in europe


Using online surveys to collate data in qualitative research has become increasingly popular, especially so given the restrictions for face-to-face interaction imposed by the global pandemic. Based on a recent research study, this case explores the use of one such online survey undertaken to explore mental health social work in Europe. To begin, the reason for using this method will be discussed followed by a breakdown of its use and the challenges and benefits encountered. The discussion will focus on the practicalities, including the creation and testing of the survey and its distribution. Consideration will be given to accessibility for the researcher and to the participant. Next, we will examine the experience of analyzing the data that were gathered. Our applied experience includes a discussion about the use of English and the impact this might have in relation to understanding concepts when using an online survey in qualitative research.



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In SAGE Research Methods Cases

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