Editorial: Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice Volume 1 No.1 2009
Kevin Meethan, Hazel Andrews, and Graham Busby
Engaging Auschwitz: an analysis of young travellers’ experiences of Holocaust Tourism
Thomas P. Thurnell-Read
‘Non vedete. È un rivoluzione.’ [You don’t see. It’s a revolution] Edward Lear Landscape Painter and Italy
Kathryn Walchester
Book Reviews
Book reviews: Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice Volume 1 No.1 2009
Philip Gibson, Rong Huang, Graham Busby, David Botterill, and Andreas Walmsley
Conference Reports
Conference reports: Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice Volume 1 No.1 2009
Ray Boland, Brian Wheeller, Philip Gibson, and Alexis Papathanassis