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dc.contributor.authorClough, Ren
dc.contributor.authorHarrington, CFen
dc.contributor.authorHill, SJen
dc.contributor.authorMadrid, Yen
dc.contributor.authorTyson, JFen

This is the eighth Atomic Spectrometry Update (ASU) to focus on advances in elemental speciation and covers a period of approximately 12 months from December 2014. This ASU review deals with all aspects of the analytical atomic spectrometry speciation methods developed for: the determination of oxidation states; organometallic compounds; coordination compounds; metal and heteroatom-containing biomolecules, including metalloproteins, proteins, peptides and amino acids; and the use of metal-tagging to facilitate detection via atomic spectrometry. The review does not cover fractionation, which is sometimes termed operationally defined speciation. As with all ASU reviews the focus of the research reviewed includes those methods that incorporate atomic spectrometry as the measurement technique. However, because speciation analysis is inherently focused on the relationship between the metal(loid) atom and the organic moiety it is bound to, or incorporated within, atomic spectrometry alone cannot be the sole analytical approach of interest. For this reason molecular detection techniques are also included where they have provided a complementary approach to speciation analysis. As in previous years, As and Se speciation continues to dominate the current literature and there has also been an increase in the number of publications concerning solid state speciation. This is presumably due to the increase in the number of synchrotron facilities available and a greater awareness of their potential for speciation studies.

dc.format.extent1330 - 1373en
dc.titleAtomic Spectrometry Update: Review of advances in elemental speciationen
dc.typeJournal Article
plymouth.journalJournal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometryen
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Faculty of Science and Engineering
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Research Groups
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Research Groups/BEACh
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Research Groups/Marine Institute
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Users by role
dc.rights.embargoperiodNot knownen
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Reviewen

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