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dc.contributor.supervisorPan, Shunqi
dc.contributor.authorNock, Alison Heidi
dc.contributor.otherFaculty of Science and Engineeringen_US

With the impact of global climate change, the speedy, intelligent and accessible dissemination of coastal flood predictions from a number of modelling tools at a range of temporal and spatial scales becomes increasingly important for policy decision makers. This thesis provides a novel approach to integrate the coastal flood data into an ArcFLOOD data model to improve the analysis, assessment and mitigation of the potential flood risk in coastal zones. This novel methodology has improved the accessibility, dissemination and visualisation of coastal flood risk. The results were condensed into spatial information flows, data model schematic diagrams and XML schema for end-user extension, customisation and spatial analysis. More importantly, software developers with these applications can now develop rich internet applications with little knowledge of numerical flood modelling systems. Specifically, this work has developed a coastal flooding geodatabase based upon the amalgamation, reconditioning and analysis of numerical flood modelling.

In this research, a distinct lack of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data modelling for coastal flooding prediction was identified in the literature. A schema was developed to provide the linkage between numerical flood modelling, flood risk assessment and information technology (IT) by extending the ESRI ArcGIS Marine Data Model (MDM) to include coastal flooding. The results of a linked hybrid hydrodynamic-morphological numerical flood model were used to define the time-series representation of a coastal flood in the schema.

The results generated from GIS spatial analyses have improved the interpretation of numerical flood modelling output by effectively mapping the flood risk in the study site, with an improved definition according to the time-series duration of a flood. The improved results include flood water depth at a point and flood water increase which equates to the difference in significant wave height for each time step of coastal flooding. The flood risk mapping provided has indicated the potential risk to infrastructure and property and depicted the failure of flood defence structures. In the wider context, the results have been provided to allow knowledge transfer to a range of coastal flooding end-users.

dc.description.sponsorshipNatural Environment Research Councilen_US
dc.publisherPlymouth Universityen_US
dc.subjectCoastal Flooding GISen_US
dc.titleThe Integration of Coastal Flooding into an ArcFLOOD Data Modelen_US
plymouth.versionEdited versionen_US

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