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dc.contributor.supervisorKirke, Alexis
dc.contributor.authorRichter, Miriam
dc.contributor.otherFaculty of Arts, Humanities and Businessen_US

Though research has been conducted with regards to music and sleep over the last two decades, there is still a significant uncertainty to its effectiveness due to the lack of scientific validation through objective testing and data analysis (Jespersen et al 2015). It has been proven that music can help in the management of physical pain and psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety, hence, music is already being implemented in medical treatments in the form of music therapy (Jespersen et al 2015). The literature review commences with a brief consideration of conventional treatment methods including pharmaceutical and talking therapy-based methods. It then investigates various research trials using music as the main intervention and contributes to the field by introducing and exploring certain sleep-music products which are available on the open market. The thesis aims to compare research regarding the psychology of music and sleep, sleep sciences, music as an intervention for insomnia, music-assisted relaxation (PMR) for Insomnia, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi), and Sleep Medication. From these two main areas of interest comparisons and contrasts can be drawn up which highlight specific areas which may need more attention. From the research certain gaps can be acknowledged and suggestions can be made for the continuation of sleep-music research including the need for familiarity and preference in surroundings and music choice, but also highlights the confusion on the open market with regard to binaural beats technology for example. It is suggested in this thesis that more time is required for the evidence in support of sleep-music to build, but also that care must be given as certain online sleep-music products may restrict or obscure genuine research-driven outputs.

dc.publisherUniversity of Plymouth
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.subjectmusic for insomniaen_US
dc.subjectliterature reviewen_US
dc.titleTowards the development of music as an intervention for Insomnia treatment: A research synthesisen_US
dc.rights.embargoperiod12 monthsen_US

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