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dc.contributor.authorPerez del Postigo Prieto, Natalia
dc.contributor.authorRaby, Alison
dc.contributor.authorBoulton, Sarah
dc.contributor.authorWhittaker, C

Tsunami generation and propagation mechanisms should be clearly understood in order to inform predictive models and improve coastal community preparedness. Experimental results, supported by mathematical models, could potentially provide valuable input data for standard predictive models of tsunami generation and propagation. A unique set-up has been developed to reproduce a dual-source tsunami generation mechanism. The test-rig replicates a two-dimensional underwater fault rupture followed by a submarine landslide. The set-up was placed in a 20m flume of the COAST laboratory at Plymouth University. The aim of the experiments is to provide quality data for developing a parametrization of the initial conditions for tsunami generation processes which are triggered by a dual-source. The free surface elevation changes are investigated in relation to the fault rupture and landslide motions. During the test programme, the water depth and the landslide density were varied. The position of the landslide model was tracked and the free surface elevation of the water body was measured. Hence tsunami characteristics of wave height, wavelength and propagation speed were determined. This paper provides a detailed description of the test rig and presents some preliminary results which highlight the performance of the test rig in terms of repeatability.

dc.subjectTsunami generation
dc.subjectSubmarine landslide
dc.subjectFault rupture
dc.subjectPhysical modelling
dc.titleTsunami Generation by Combined Fault Rupture and Landsliding
plymouth.conference-nameCOASTLAB 2018
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Admin Group - REF
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Admin Group - REF/REF Admin Group - FoSE
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Faculty of Science and Engineering
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Faculty of Science and Engineering/School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Faculty of Science and Engineering/School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/REF 2021 Researchers by UoA
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/REF 2021 Researchers by UoA/UoA07 Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/REF 2021 Researchers by UoA/UoA12 Engineering
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Users by role
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Users by role/Academics
plymouth.organisational-group/Plymouth/Users by role/Researchers in ResearchFish submission
dc.rights.embargoperiodNot known
rioxxterms.typeConference Paper/Proceeding/Abstract

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