Effect of the age of garments used under real-life conditions on microfibre release from polyester and cotton clothing



The release of microfibres from fabrics during laundering represents an important source of plastic and natural microfibres to aquatic environments. Garment age - how long the garment has been used - could be a key factor influencing the rate of release, yet most studies of microfibre shedding have only assessed newly manufactured products. To this end, we quantified microfibre release during laundering in domestic washing machines from polyester (PES) and cotton garments (n = 38) used in real-life conditions for periods between 1 and 31 years with different use intensities. In addition, to better understand the factors involved in microfibre releases, fibre composition (different PES percentages) and type of garments (T-shirts, polo shirts, uniforms, sports shirts, and sweatshirts) were examined. All garments released microfibres during washing, while the older garments presented higher releases for clothing with a PES/cotton blend. In general, older garments (15–31 years) released nearly twice as many fibres when washed than newer garments (1–10 years). The mass of microfibres released was consistently greater in garments with a higher proportion of cotton than PES (up to 1.774 mg g−1 in 2% PES and 0.366 mg g−1 in 100% PES fabrics), suggesting that cotton might be released more readily such that the relative proportion of PES in the garments could increase over time. Additionally, SEM images showed fibre damage, with fibres from the older garments exhibiting more peeling and splitting. While it is important to note that the overall environmental footprint is undoubtedly reduced by keeping garments in use for longer periods of time, older garments were shown to release more microfibres.



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Publication Title

Environmental Pollution





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Laundry, Microplastics, Natural fibres, Plastic substitutes, Shedding, Textile, Worn

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This item is under embargo until 15 March 2026
