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Functional Ecology
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School of Biological and Marine Sciences
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Dalsgaard, B., Maruyama, P., Sonne, J., Hansen, K., Zanata, T., Abrahamczyk, S., Alarcón, R., Araujo, A., Araújo, F., Buzato, S., Chávez‐González, E., Coelho, A., Cotton, P., Díaz‐Valenzuela, R., Dufke, M., Enríquez, P., Martins, D., Fischer, E., Kohler, G., Lara, C., Las‐Casas, F., Rosero, L., Machado, A., Machado, C., Maglianesi, M., Malucelli, T., Marín‐Gómez, O., Martínez‐García, V., Mendes, d., da, S., Oliveira, P., Ornelas, J., Ortiz‐Pulido, R., Partida‐Lara, R., Patiño‐González, B., Najara, d., Ramírez‐Burbano, M., Rech, A., Rocca, M., Rodrigues, L., Rui, A., Sazima, I., Sazima, M., Simmons, B., Tinoco, B., Varassin, I., Vasconcelos, M., Vizentin‐Bugoni, J., Watts, S., Kennedy, J., Rahbek, C., Schleuning, M., & Martín, G. (2021) 'The influence of biogeographical and evolutionary histories on morphological trait‐matching and resource specialization in mutualistic hummingbird–plant networks', Functional Ecology, . Available at: