- Howell, Kerry: 0000-0003-3359-1778
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Organisational Unit
School of Biological and Marine Sciences
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Kenchington, E., Callery, O., Davidson, F., Grehan, A., Morato, T., Appiott, J., Davis, A., Dunstan, P., Du, P., Finney, J., González-Irusta, J., Howell, K., Knudby, A., Lacharité, M., Lee, J., Murillo, F., Beazley, L., Roberts, J., Roberts, M., Rooper, C., Rowden, A., Rubidge, E., Stanley, R., Stirling, D., Tanaka, K., Vanhatalo, J., Weigel, B., Woolley, S., & Yesson, C. (2019) 'Use of Species Distribution Modeling in the Deep Sea', Retrieved from https://pearl.plymouth.ac.uk/bms-research/1104