
This inter-disciplinary research draws understanding from the socialcultural and economic studies to define the values and aspirations of the middle class demographic and its implications on the sustainable housing. Shared spaces have traditionally played a key role in passive cooling strategies and the maintenance of socially sustainable communities. Changes in social conditions, practices and lifestyle can be traced by the way they identify, demarcate and celebrate their boundaries. This research points to the importance of the external boundary of the site and the edge of buildings in terms of aligning meaningful sustainable design strategies with the concerns and aspirations of the emergent middle-class. Generating 3D models and applying an environmental design method, possible options for these external boundary conditions are tested, which are validated by the stakeholders during the fieldwork. This research provides new-insight into the way sustainability can be understood with qualitative values that are complemented by quantitative measurements.

Publication Date



The World Sustainable Building 2014 Conference

Publication Title

Proceedings of the World Sustainable Building 2014 Conference


Green Building Council España

Embargo Period



ISBN: 978-84-697-1815-5
