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Video documentation of a day of workshop activities for the interdisciplinary collaborative research project titled 'Sea-ing Differently: An Exploration of Children’s Watery Entanglements in an Ocean City' between Parker and Early Childhood Studies colleagues, working in partnership with Riverside Community Primary in the Barne Barton area of Plymouth and Real Ideas in Devonport, and the film-maker Stuart Moore.The research explored how the sea, water and impacts of climate change feature in very young urban children’s everyday lives to better understand how they see, hear, feel the sea, rivers, streams and the place of the sea in their lives, and what these things might mean to them.We worked with 62 4- to 5-year-olds from Barne Barton, a ‘deprived’ area of Plymouth that borders with the sea and yet is cut off from access by the occupation of the waterfront by the naval Dockyard and a giant incinerator plant.Our data gathering was focused on a day of outdoor and indoor activities, which included: 360˚ film-making, a Welly Walk to the nearest ‘beach’, singing and music-making, drawing, water play and map-making. We worked with 3 classes of around 20 children over three cold, wet and windy days in March 2023. This 360˚ video is a compilation of the workshop activities with the children and their educators.[Test screenings of documentation with different audiences and contexts to inform development of the research project, publication and external grant application:1. 360 film, immersive dome, Market Hall, for the children and educators (28 March 2023)2. 2-D version, at the National Marine Aquarium, for Plymouth Cultural Education Partnership (4 May 2023)3. 2-D version, at school assembly for parents and children, Riverside school (25 Mary 2023)4. 360 film, immersive dome, Market Hall, to invited audience of families, City Councillors, Community Builders, arts educators and community practitioners, and researchers (12 June 2023)5. 2-D version, at the Ocean Hackathon weekend, Market Hall, public engagement activities with children and families (18 November 2023)The documentation film has been tested in different screening environments and contexts to gauge and capture audience response and inform the development of the research, publication and application for grant funding.Parents, children and educators have given their permission for the 360˚ video, with name credits to the children and educators, to be publicly accessible and available for viewing on Vimeo and YouTube.Thumbnail image courtesy Dr Zoë Latham, introduction to screening at the 360 dome, Market Hall, Devonport; invited audience of educators and academics and their children, community workers and local policy-makers, 12 June 2023.The copy of 'Sea-ing Differently' 360˚ film deposited in Pearl is a framed 16:9 HD version that is non-navigable and dated 14th April 2024.][360 degree video with soundtrack, 15 mins]

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Organisational Unit

School of Art, Design and Architecture


360, children, climate emergency, collaboration, ocean, sea, water
