
Introduction. Stopping the overmedication of people with intellectual disability (ID), autism orboth (STOMP) is a project supported by NHS England and is aimed at reducing the inappropriate prescribing of psychotropic medication to manage behaviour that is deemed to be challenging, in the absence of a documented mental health diagnosis (Branford et al, 2018; NHS England, 2016). The project was launched in 2016 following on from the report into the Winterbourne View Hospital which highlighted concerns related to the use of medication in this way (Department of Health, 2012); in particular the ‘off label’ and poorly evidenced use of psychotropic medication. Historically, limited guidance has been available to guide the appropriate use of psychotropic medication in managing challenging behaviour in people with ID (Tyrer et al, 2008; Deb et al, 2007, 2009). Transforming Care (2012) and the concordat identified the issue. Three reports were commissioned – one using general practice data (Glover et al, 2015), a best practice guide Psychotropic drug prescribing for people with intellectual disability, mental health problems and/or behaviours that challenge: practice guidelines (RCPsych, 2016) and a survey of medication for detained patients with intellectual disability (Care Quality Commission, 2016), provided the evidence and need for the STOMP programme.

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