
This thesis aims to identify measures or initiatives which are being implemented to reduce carbon emissions within logistics operations. Logistics remains as one of the last sectors with voluntary measures and low regulation of carbon emissions caps. There is a gap in knowledge not only on company size level but also on industry level. Therefore, there is still high need to help companies that are at their starting point, lacking needed technical and human resources. Logistics decarbonisation often remains neglected, not only as a part of manufacturer’s company structure but also as main business of logistics service provider or fleet and warehouse owner. Missing understanding of competitive advantage and cost reduction from logistics decarbonisation hinders further positive development. This thesis provides a full guide to this understanding, finding perspective and identifying areas that need optimisation by various measures. Many authors and organisations have covered some initiatives that can be applied to freight transport on technical and operational level. Transportation measures are prevailing in focus. Warehousing initiatives appeared in few papers, however, not to such extent and transportation. This can be partly reasoned by lower ratio of warehousing impact compared to transportation. However, it should not be neglected. There has also been a low number of literature that combines freight transport and warehousing, from a holistic viewpoint. To fill this gap, findings from literature, which are often practice-oriented are being complemented with findings from surveys and interviews with logistics experts or global manufacturers that are already deeply involved in their logistics decarbonisation projects. At the end, a conceptual model is created, which is then refined by surveys and interviews with practitioners to a framework for decarbonisation. Resource-Based Theory, and in particular Resource Orchestration theory shows importance of gaining this knowledge by employees. This is particularly challenging for small-medium enterprises who do not have resources and strategic intentions to reduce their logistics carbon emissions. This thesis can be practically applied by manufacturing businesses, as well as fleet owners or forwarders who can focus on adapting their services on initiatives that solve their customer’s challenges. This thesis suggests expanding further research on finding best solution for decision makers with not only two, but multiple criteria. An AHP method helps identify these criteria as a suggestion for further research.

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