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dc.descriptionUniversity of Plymouth in association with the Institute for Contemporary British History, King’s College, London. Event organised as part of the Annual ESRC Research Festival: Pirates, Entrepreneurs and Visionaries – Social Sciences in the Twenty-First Centuryen

This second panel explored the policing of smuggling and profiteering in the south west and the responses of the police to the smuggling of people and commodities including the clandestine landing of people and drugs on local beaches as well as the first responses to the grounding of the Napoli at Branscombe beach in 2007 and subsequent profiteering. Panel Witnesses included:


Jim Gale, Superintendent, Devon and Cornwall Police

Nick West, Detective Inspector, Devon and Cornwall Police

Paul Richards, Devon and Cornwall Police (retired)

Mike Williams, Visiting Research Fellow, School of Law, Criminology and Government

dc.titlePolicing Piracy 2: Modern Piracy and Smuggling in the South Westen_
dc.typeRecording, oralen

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