Table of contents

Guest editorial

In celebration of students as researchers and peer learning leaders, Carolyn Gentle, Peer Assisted Learning Co-Ordinator, Plymouth University, p. 1-3.

Project articles - Biomedical and Healthcare Sciences

Comparison of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-1α and IL-1β) released by MPI and MARCO (-/-) knockout cells when stimulated by heat killed fungi- Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger, Sherin Chacko, p. 4-23.

The effectiveness of low level laser therapy and acupuncture as interventions for temporomandibular joint disorders in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Abel Getachew, p. 24-61.

Project articles - Marine Sciences

You’ll face me: an investigation into improving puffin crossing safety by controlling PDU placement, Ibrahim Aliouche, p. 62-82.

Effects of dredging disturbance on seagrass coverage, sediment composition and infaunal assemblages within a SW England Zostera marina bed, Rachel Cole, p. 83-104.

An investigation into the effects of underwater bubble formations on sound speed and attenuation, Erin King, p. 105-144.

The derivation of sea surface velocities from satellite imagery using maximum cross correlation (MCC), Philip Lawrence, p. 145-161.

Secondary sexual characters in crawling water beetles (Coleoptera: Haliplidae): evidence for sexual conflict? Katy Potts, p. 162-213.

Project articles - Psychology

Relationship between motivation, attribution and performance expectancy in children’s reading, Jocelyn Nuttall, p. 214-228.

"It's such a battle": A phenomenological account of raising a child on the autistic spectrum; a battle with bureaucracy and behaviour, Tara Vassallo, p. 229-251.

Project articles - Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

The comparison of Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation as a means to synthesise alkyl xylenes, Penny Whalley, p. 252-296.

Recent Submissions

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