Table of contents

Guest editorial

Plymouth Undergraduate Research in Mathematics, Tom Heinzl, Tom McCourt, p. 1-5.

Project articles - Biomedical and Healthcare Sciences

Characterising cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of chemotherapeutic agents (Etoposide and Vincristine) on TK6, a human lymphoblastoid cell line, Leanne Edermaniger, p. 6-28.

The acute effect of high-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training on postprandial blood glucose regulation, Katharina Gross, p. 29-47.

The efficacy of Levodopa+DDC inhibitor+Entacapone versus Levodopa+DDC inhibitor+Placebo in Parkinson's disease: an intervention review, Jennifer Harrison, p. 48-84.

Project articles - Marine Sciences

Energy harvesting in a diver’s rebreather system, Joseph Ely, p. 85-114.

Effects of storm-induced sand scour on Patella vulgata off south-west Britain, Jake Jefford, p. 115-132.

Project articles - Psychology

Why is eyewitness testimony so inaccurate? An investigation into event-related potentials and the recognition of familiar and unfamiliar faces, Jack Evans, p. 133-148.

Are children’s false memories driven by conceptual or perceptual factors? Alexandra Hodgson, p. 149-163.

How is academic motivation in children influenced by emotional regulation? Rosanna Pengelly, p. 164-178.

The association of microstructural connectivity in the brain and auditory modulation of representational momentum, Emma Theobald, p. 179-199.

You can’t tickle yourself...or can you? The effect of a hypnotic suggestion on sensory attenuation phenomenon, Shamsideen Yusuf, p. 200-216.

Project articles - Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

A palaeoclimatic reconstruction of the Cadair Idris area of Snowdonia, using geomorphological evidence from Younger Dryas cirque glaciers Bethany Radbourne, p. 217-257.

Special interest article

Exposure to predator kairomones influences egg number and size in Littorina littorea, Jessica Raynor, Simon Rundle [STUDENT/STAFF RESEARCH COLLABORATION], p. 258-268.

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