- Sian E. Rees: 0000-0001-9606-783X
- Jason M. Hall-Spencer: 0000-0002-6915-2518
Marine protected areas (MPAs) can protect and restore marine biodiversity and fisheries, but there are concerns that they may also benefit invasive species. The spatial and temporal colonization of invasive lionfish (Pterois miles) in the eastern Mediterranean was compared across zones with varying fishing restrictions (no fishing, recreational and commercial fishing, and commercial fishing only), and stations where targeted removal events were conducted by volunteer SCUBA divers. Lionfish density in no fishing areas was nearly double that of areas with commercial fishing only, and over four times greater than in areas where both commercial and recreational fishing were allowed. Lionfish density increased with depth, possibly due to easier human exploitation in shallow waters (0–10 m) that are accessible to recreational spearfishers. Targeted removals by volunteer divers decreased lionfish densities by over 60%, while areas without removals had a 200%–400% increase. Along with management actions, natural and ecological processes might drive lionfish densities within MPAs, and the speed with which lionfish colonized fishery-restricted zones, emphasized the need for a more sophisticated MPA management strategy that considers invasive species impacts and dynamics in an ecosystem-based approach.
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Conservation Science and Practice
alien species, bioinvasions, conservation, fishery, invasive species, marine ecosystems, Mediterranean Sea, non-indigenous species, Suez Canal, targeted removals
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Kleitou, P., Rees, S., Kletou, D., Harris, H., Cai, L., Green, S., Hadjioannou, L., Savva, I., Giovos, I., Jimenez, C., & Hall-Spencer, J. (2024) 'Marine protected areas can increase the abundance of invasive lionfish (Pterois miles)', Conservation Science and Practice, 6(6). Available at: 10.1111/csp2.13147