- Hanley, Mick: 0000-0002-3966-8919
Topographic complexity is often considered to be closely associated with habitat complexity and niche diversity; however, complex topography per se does not imply habitat suitability. Rather, ecologically suitable habitats may emerge if topographic features interact with environmental factors and thereby alter their surrounding microenvironment to the benefit of local organisms (e.g., resource provisioning, stress mitigation). Topography may thus act as a key modulator of abiotic stressors and biotic pressures, particularly in environmentally challenging intertidal systems. Here, we review how topography can alter microhabitat conditions with respect to four resources required by intertidal organisms: a source of energy (light, suspended food particles, prey, detritus), water (hydration, buffering of light, temperature and hydrodynamics), shelter (temperature, wave exposure, predation), and habitat space (substratum area, propagule settlement, movement). We synthesize mechanisms and quantitative findings of how environmental factors can be altered through topography and suggest an organism-centered ‘form-follows-ecological-function’ approach to designing multifunctional marine infrastructure.
Publication Date
Publication Title
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Organisational Unit
School of Biological and Marine Sciences
Recommended Citation
Bauer, F., Knights, A., Hanley, M., Griffin, J., Foggo, A., Brown, A., & Firth, L. (2024) 'Topography-based modulation of environmental factors as a mechanism for intertidal microhabitat formation', Marine Pollution Bulletin, 202. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116358